The last global
trend in S and M economic/political policy was “austerity”.
While it hasn't fully run its course just yet, it has yielded many of
its desired outcomes. Greece is on its knees, Portugal, Spain and
Italy are still reeling and hoping they won't follow Greece into
permanent bondage, while Ireland has reclaimed its pre-boom place in
the European economic pecking order. In the US, while business
indicators seem to be moving ahead, the life expectancy of the white
working class has taken an unexpectedly sudden drop. These
subjects have reacted to their masters at the IMF and the World Bank
in somewhat different ways.
The Greeks protested and voted to oust their dominators and dominatrixes but alas, the new government sold them out, deciding to subject them to further beatings. The Spanish and the Portuguese both seem to want to follow the Greek course by voting against the bondage administrators but it remains to be seen if they will have better luck than the Greeks. While I live in Italy, I have no idea how Italians hope to escape their bonds but they've always been good at international maneuvers. The Great Houdini was, after all, an Italian.
The Irish, having
grown up under the strict tutelage of Roman Catholic nuns, for the
most part just told the banks, master we have erred, beat us, hurt
us, and so they were beaten some more. There are isolated cases of
the Irish growing restive as they learn that their Taoiseach (Prime
Minister), Enda Kenny, chief lecturer on the joy of pain that
austerity brings, even after taking two pay cuts, earns more than the
British Prime Minister David Cameron, as do Irish Parliamentarians vs
their British counterparts. The Americans, always the ideal passives
of the world, don't appear to realize that they are being beaten,
unquestioningly accepting media propaganda that the discipline is
ordained by God. The coming year will see if there is any awakening
of an urge to throw off the chains.
Talk of austerity
has faded recently as other concerns have captured the public
imagination. Flavors come and flavors go, just as colors change with
the season. Two or three years ago every shop window in Italy
glistened with violet tones. Last year the orange Guantanamo
prisoner uniforms inspired a surge of orange, but it never really
caught on. This year it's all shades of gray. As in fashion, so it
is in the world of news.
In July 2014, Senate
Resolution 498, written by Senators Bob Menendez (NJ) (best known for
his determination to maintain bad relations with Cuba and Iran) and
John McCain (AZ) (best known for picking Sarah Palin as his
presidential running mate), was passed by unanimous (100-0) vote on
the same night that Israel launched a massive assault on Gaza, the
third since the siege started in 2008. The resolution supported
Israeli efforts to defend itself from rocket attacks. They
additionally voted $428 million for Israel's Iron Dome missile
system and later added another $225 m to replenish the Israeli
arsenal, depleted by the three week assault on Gaza, which killed
over 2200 of the 1.8 million people penned up up in the 360 square
kilometer (about twice the size of Washington DC) strip. For seven
years the Israelis had maintained a land and sea blockade of Gaza
keeping out products such as shoes, paper, tea, coffee, wood, cement
and iron. Food was allowed into the territory to not exceed careful
calculations of the minimum necessary per capita caloric intake for
the population. In the assault, 18,000 housing units were destroyed,
four hospitals, two UN shelters and the only power plant in the
territory were bombed. Strong measures!
![]() |
self-defense measures |
Since the UN
partitioning of Palestine in 1948 there has been a recurring cycle
of violence, with a pattern emerging of Arab aggression met with
crushing retribution, interspersed with short-lived attempts to
broker peace accords. It seems the Israelis got fed up with the
never ending cycle of violence and came around to an unstated policy
of eliminating all those troublesome Palestinians. This was perhaps
one of the few possible rational solutions to the Israeli dilemma,
but surprising in light of twentieth century history, coming from
this particular group. The dilemma results from the unworkability of
either the two-state solution or the one state solution for
Palestine/Israel. The original two state solution, mandated by the
UN, is no longer feasible because the Israelis have seized a vast
amount of the Palestinian territory and rendered most of the rest
unusable by the Palestinians. The one-state solution, i.e. allowing
Israel to swallow up the entire territory and its inhabitants, may be
the future, but it doesn't promise well for the long term. The
Israelis want a Jewish state but the Arab birth rate is significantly
higher than the Israeli birth rate so the ruling group would be
destined to become a minority. Apartheid, a policy that worked for a
while in South Africa, is already effectively in place.
Genocide is a term
that we associate with the Nazi campaign to exterminate Jews during
WWII but there have been numerous other cases of one national or
ethnic group trying to wipe out another. In Rwanda, the Hutu made a
serious effort to eliminate the Tutsi; most Armenians were
eliminated in a purge by the Turks that the Turks have continued to
deny doing to this day. In China, Mao made an all out effort to
eliminate the professional classes. In the USA, the Native
Americans, or Indians as they were called until recently, were
decimated by the new settlers. Many of these conflicts were the
intensification of long standing rivalries or revenge for perceived
offenses in the past. Hitler viewed the Jews as an inferior race
and sought to eliminate them not for anything they might do but
because of his own warped perspective on racial purity.
The US Senate has
put a whole new spin on mass killing with its certificate of approval
on pre-emptive genocide, the new flavor of the month. Once approved,
it's become as trendy as those violets or shades of gray, putting
talk if not the reality of austerity into the category of yesterday's
When the US launched
its shock and awe invasion of Iraq in 2002 it harbored no thoughts of
extermination of the entire Iraqi population. Our PNAC crusaders
only wanted to create regime change to allow Saddam's enslaved
subjects to taste the fruits of American capitalism and democracy,
except that we made the entire ruling Baath Party unemployed and
unemployable, which led, unsurprisingly, to widespread ethnic and
religious civil wars. A decade later, the battered, beaten and
hardened Sunni Muslim groups, have emerged, with Saudi money,
American weapons, and jihadi fervor, as the Islamic State in Iraq and
Syria (ISIS), leaving headless corpses in their wake. What's the
answer? We have to wipe them out, whoever they are or call
themselves! (They have more aliases than a CIA secret agent, using
also ISIL, Daesh and lately IS, for Islamic State) This has played
right into the 2016 US presidential campaign and its bizarre coverage
in the media. Candidates are falling all over themselves in a rush
to declare that they will kill more Islamic terrorists faster than
their competitors. While the Republican candidates excel at this
sort of rhetoric, the sitting president and his leading pretender to
the oval office, do not sit on words alone. The president has taken
on the tedious chore of wiping out suspected bad guys by drone attack
in the far corners of the world. Former Secretary of State Clinton
seems to light up with glee recalling her part in the overthrow and
grisly murder of Colonel Gaddafi, another designated bad guy. Her delight in that bloody moment seems to render her blind to the reign
of chaos left behind and the vast flow of desperate refugees it has
launched on Europe.
The presidential
campaign is obviously too long and it needed a lift, which ISIS has
provided. Before that, in order to avoid the serious issues of the
day, the candidates had to simply rail about the illegal immigrants
coming across the Mexican border. Who would be tougher? Donald
Trump won that shouting contest and leads the field.
Now, we've seen
Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino breathing fresh
air into the campaign. “We
have entered World War III,” Rick
a former senator from Pennsylvania, declared.
Gov. Mike
Huckabee of
Arkansas said Americans were “just plain scared…..We have an
enemy out to kill us, and we have a government we don’t trust
There's an
incursion of Syrian refugees into Europe and a prospect of some
getting to the United States. Donald Trump wants all the Muslims
already in the country, as well as any newcomers, to be issued
special identity cards or other identification, perhaps a number
tattooed on their arm. The lesser candidates don't want to see or
hear of them at all. We don't need to kill them. Just keep them
contenders to lead the free world |
There is a bit of
confusion in the rush to kill. Everybody wants to kill ISIS. Our
neo-cons want President Assad gone, preferably dead, and therefore want to arm
the people opposed to him. The people who most want to topple Assad
are Sunnis, many of whom belong to ISIS or Al Qaeda, that is, the bad
guys. The Russians are also out there killing ISIS and we've been
taught that Putin and the Russians are among the worst bad guys. The Turks, who belong to NATO, are fighting against both Assad's forces
and the Kurds, who in turn are fighting ISIS. Lindsey Graham wants
to arm them all, a policy seconded with a bit more caution by some of
his campaign adversaries. Most of the candidates want boots on the
ground but none are sending their daughters. So, whose boots?
Any discussion of
pre-emptive genocide would be flawed if it failed to note that three
GOP candidates for president attended a meeting of the National
Religious Liberties Conference on the same weekend that they got
together for a presidential debate. The leader of the Conference,
the Rev. Kevin Swanson, emotionally proclaims that the Bible teaches
us that homosexuals are to be rounded up and executed. Debate within
the Conference centers around the proper means of execution. The
candidates, Jindal, Huckabee and Cruz, were welcomed to the gathering
but didn't stay for the speeches or debate. His attendance
apparently having done nothing to boost his poll numbers, Bobby
Jindal subsequently dropped out, leaving Huck and Cruz to soldier on,
almost alone, in the anti-gay crusade. Now Ted Cruz seems to be
gaining on Trump and has a shot at becoming the GOP candidate for the
A word of caution.
Ethical concerts apart, and the majority of my American countrymen
appear to have no trouble setting aside such concerns if any do exist
in their hearts and minds, there is one practical problem with the
current penchant for pre-emptive genocide.
The last time a
religiously identified group was singled out for extermination, Nazis
killed about seven million Jews, drastically reducing the European
Jewish population and virtually eliminating it in some countries. By
that standard, the number of Palestinians to be eliminated is
manageable and the territory is small. The US fervor for the
elimination of Muslims is more problematic. Based on the counsel of
our Israeli and Saudi advisers, our hawkish congressmen want to get
the killing bandwagon rolling in earnest, as opposed to the token
drone killings in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen, with a major
(nuclear?) attack on Iran, which is the main center of Shia Muslims.
Shiites, one of the two main branches of Islam, constitute a 10 to 15
% minority of the estimated 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. At the
same time, most of the jihadis carrying out terrorist attacks these
days are Sunni Muslims. All western democracies seem poised to
respond to the challenge of ISIS by unleashing their military might.
Ted Cruz wants to make the sands of the desert glow in the dark while Carly
Fiorina appears to advocate taking out Russia at the same time.
Simultaneous attacks on both Shia and Sunni Muslims could conceivably
result in their reunification, something they haven't been able to
achieve on their own in more than a thousand years.
Furthermore, while
most of this huge swath of humanity is currently peaceful, or even
passive, under all out siege that could conceivably change. In
addition to a number of Muslim majority countries there are also
millions of Muslims living in Western countries. It might be prudent
to consider the fate of Nazi Germany in the wake of its rather
efficient killing program of its perceived internal enemies. To
skeptics who might protest that Nazi Germany only fell due to being
militarily overextended, I would point out that the US currently has
military bases in three quarters of the world's countries and has
“special forces operations” going on in most of them.
As we are now in the
holiday season, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. May we move on to
a new and better flavor of the month. As the shades of gray fade,
may we skip the bloody red and make blue the color of the year for