The Silvio Critiques
On February 24,
2013, the day of the Italian national elections, Frank Bruni
published an article in the NY Times on the elections, and in a fit
of pique, I responded to it. My comments are logged around noon of
Feb.24. Having suggested that it would be befitting for Americans to
keep quiet about Italian politics, I will now ignore that
prescription. Silvio Berlusconi is the target of many foreign
commentators such as Frank Bruni. His position can best be
understood by non-Italians by comparing his role to a number of other
public figures. It takes many of them to give a full picture and
while I do not wish be seen as a defender of Mr. Berlusconi, it must
be admitted that he doesn't fare too badly in some of the
Berlusconi is seen by the American press and most politicians and
diplomats in Europe as a buffoon. His dealings with Angela Merkel
and other European leaders are filled with gaffes and insults,
intended or not, to a degree very similar to those of George W. Bush.
Silvio's comments are often crude, rude, and insulting, but
occasionally amusing. Those of Bush were often also funny, but the
comedy was mostly due to his unprecedented mangling of the English
language. There have been many books and calendars dedicated to his
malapropisms. The major distinction between these two buffoons is
that Berlusconi started neither wars nor major recessions.
As amoral,
sexual predators go, JFK may have been the real thing. Bill Clinton
got the label but, like so many others, from Ike and Wilbur Mills to
Gary Hart and John Edwards, he succumbed to the allure of ambitious
young women, themselves seduced by the proximity to power. Where
others have denied their involvements, Silvio has, except when under
indictment, bragged of his exploits, perhaps creating a womanizer
image magnified out of all proportion to reality. Whatever his
perceived sins in this area, he has never approached the hypocrisy
of a Newt Gingrich, who publicly attacked Clinton for his sexual
peccadillos while informing his cancer stricken wife in the hospital
that he was divorcing her to marry his mistress.
With regard to
conflicts of interest, it's more difficult to find anyone with a
comparable issue, since Berlusconi's interests are so vast.
Collectively the entire US Congress comes to mind. They are paid
base salaries of $176,000 with generous benefits for working
126 days per year to represent the American public, but a large
majority appear to be more richly rewarded by corporations for
representing their interests in Congress. The ruling majority
of the Supreme Court, which declared money speech and corporations
citizens, seems to enjoy similar conflicts. Clarence Thomas's wife
is highly paid to lobby for organizations dependent on favorable
outcomes of SC decisions but we don't recall Justice Thomas (or his
radical right brethren on the Court) reclusing himself on any such
tall is a big advantage in politics. Both Presidents Washington and
Lincoln towered over their peers, physically as well as
metaphorically. It's virtually impossible to imagine Mitt Romney
getting to run for any office if he stood at under 5'-8”. However, small men, from Napoleon to Michael Bloomberg, driven
by ambition, talent, intellect, arrogance or presumption, have
striven to make themselves great, sometimes with mixed results.
Silvio Berluscono fits that mold.
Richard Nixon
faced scandal as Vice President, serving under President Eisenhower,
but he managed not only to extricate himself from that scandal and
survive an unsuccessful run against Kennedy, but to come back from
the political graveyard to be an almost two term President, before
his paranoia-driven propensity for criminal activity terminated his
presidency. Italy's own Comeback Kid has faced prosecution on many
charges, been convicted on several, but has always managed to use
Italy's bizarre rules regarding appeals and statutes of limitation to
keep him out of harm's way. Last Fall, after his conviction, he
announced his withdrawal from politics, but by February's elections,
he was back in the fray, leading his party to a third place finish.
Karl Rove comes
to mind as the only other present day political figure comparable to
Berlusconi in wanting to win at any cost. The most recent charge
against Berlusconi is that he paid several million Euros to a
politician to switch to his party. He's also been known to bring
expensive-to-defend lawsuits against journalists who have reported
too accurately on his activities. Rove tends to favor raising
obscene amounts of political “donations” to support chosen
campaigns. He also is expert at inventing voter suppression
measures. Both men suffered setbacks in the past year. We're
unaware of any other achievements of Rove, but should they team up,
he and Berlusconi could be a dangerous team.
Finally, in the
New Face of the Year category, there are many candidates, but the
best match I can come up with for a comparison to Berlusconi's
penchant for spending vast wealth on cosmetic surgery of dubious
value would be Jocelyn Wildenstein. The pictures speak for
1 comment:
Roberto, Your inside analysis goes way beyond what we can read in our US press. Thank you! Steve Dawkins
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